好不容易開機會,查看message log發現
Aug 24 14:50:07 www smartd[2593]: Device: /dev/sda, 6 Currently unreadable (pending) sectors
Aug 24 14:50:07 www smartd[2593]: Device: /dev/sda, 6 Offline uncorrectable sectors
Aug 24 15:20:07 www smartd[2593]: Device: /dev/sda, 6 Currently unreadable (pending) sectors
Aug 24 15:20:07 www smartd[2593]: Device: /dev/sda, 6 Offline uncorrectable sectors
Aug 24 15:50:07 www smartd[2593]: Device: /dev/sda, 6 Currently unreadable (pending) sectors
Aug 24 15:50:07 www smartd[2593]: Device: /dev/sda, 6 Offline uncorrectable sectors
Aug 24 16:20:07 www smartd[2593]: Device: /dev/sda, 6 Currently unreadable (pending) sectors
Aug 24 16:20:07 www smartd[2593]: Device: /dev/sda, 6 Offline uncorrectable sectors
Aug 24 16:50:07 www smartd[2593]: Device: /dev/sda, 6 Currently unreadable (pending) sectors
Aug 24 16:50:07 www smartd[2593]: Device: /dev/sda, 6 Offline uncorrectable sectors
上網查了一下,大概是硬碟有壞軌,想說還可以開機,而且檔案也有備份所以不怕掛,結果就開始發生一堆以前沒發生過的怪事,先是學務內將學生升級,過二天後, 模組內的學生人數統計非常怪,連一年級的資料還沒匯進去,竟然會出現3個班各有一個學生,其他年級也有幾個班的人數和學籍資料有出入,再來又發生註冊組及導師無法修改學生資料,資料修改完送出後,會出現sql update 的一些訊息,但是沒有更新資料,最後只好再找一台機器將系統重裝,不過重裝的過程也不是很順利。
可是有一兩台機器,因為沒有接UPS ,那就很慘了,尤其是行政FTP的硬碟,開機後發現磁碟陣列出現Critical的訊息,還好是作raid1,先忽略掉,沒關係,還有一顆硬碟就再撐著吧,可是開機到一半,竟出現
>> Checking root filesystem
>> /dev/hda1 Contains a file system with errors, check forced.
>> Error reading block 2378098 (Attempt to read block from filesystem resulted in
>> short read) while doing inode scan.
>> ( i.e. , without -a or -p options )
>> *** An error occurred during the file system check .
>> *** Dropping you to a shell ; the system will reboot .
>> *** When you leave the shell .
>> Give root password for maintenance
>> ( or type Control-D for normal startup ) :
- 先依提示,輸入root 的密碼
- 將每個partition執行fsck指令,我是下這樣
fsck /dev/sda1
將每個partition fsck後(註:/boot 這個partition因為正在執行,所以不能執行fsck),再reboot,看看是否可以正常開機吧!
- 要找機會將硬碟換掉,並且重新安裝